Stamping and Bridal Shower

What a gorgeous Spring Day in Georgia!!  A great day to get together with my favorite gals and celebrate the upcoming nuptials of our very own Shelly Sanville!  We are so excited for Shelly, her wedding date is on May 5, 2010.  Yes, it will be here before you know it, she is going to make a beautiful bride.

First we created a great project, it's a folder which holds a matching pen and paper to take notes, grocery list, you get the picture.


Lisa, Sheila, Jennifer and Shelly working on their project…….fun!


Rhonda loves her complete notebook, aren't they both gorgeous!!  I agree.


Here my sissy Margie Ohrt (in the white shirt) is helping Lisa Anderson with her flowers we added to our folders….my sissy is so talented…she does AWESOME quilling projects…amazing what she can do with paper.

Ms Rosie with the beautiful hair and black shirt is putting together her project, only I think it's a secret since she has it covered up, lol


Here is my sissy again, her initials spell the word MOO, isn't that hysterical!!!  Margarita O. Ohrt!


Then the fun began, opening presents for Shelly's Bridal Shower.  Ms. Rosie made this for Shelly and Kenny (her fiance)…isn't it gorgeous?  She is so talented!


Found this at Victoria's Secret and thought THIS IS SHELLY….isn't it gorgeous!  woohooo


Nothing more fun than a fun group of dear friends celebrating together.

Another one with me in the back peeking through between Ms. Rosie and Ms. Mary Cook, hehe


Yummo, cake and other goodies to snack on, the cake is from my favorite bakery, Publix!!  yummo


Now that we are all done creating, opening gifts, eating, guess what, yup back to "creating" we just can't get enough!  Here the gang is working together as a team to help Shelly with her wedding cards, we were so honored to help out!!

We are on a roll here, assembly line fashion, woohoo…..!

I think Shelly was very happy we helped out, this would have taken a loooooong time to get it done by yourself.  Can't show you the finished product, you'll have to wait until "after" Shelly's wedding for a peak of her gorgeous creativity……I know the suspense, right?

That's it for today.  Come back soon to see more fun stuff we have worked on in the last few weeks.

Blessings to you all!

Blessings, and until the next time, remember to hug the ones you love, none of us are promised tomorrow!

About Gloria

A wife, mom, grandmother and lover of all things crafty. I enjoy sharing projects with you frequently and I love to hear feedback from you. I am a Stampin' Up Demonstrator and would love to help you with any crafting products you may need. I have a great team and hope you will consider joining the Stampin' Up Family!

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