Birthday Cards from my Fabulous Friends

So I also had a birthday in July, and let me say, I received so many fabulous and funny birthday cards.  I am one very blessed woman!

These two handmade birthday cards from two of my very best, and sweetest friends, Mary C., and  Beth T. are shown below.  Are these gals talented, or what? Gheeeez!!

  BD Cards 1

This is the front of the birthday card Mary C. made me.  The woman is amazing.  Check out the inside!

BD Cards 2

Can you say fabulous, hysterical, gorgeous, and FUN!!!  The three names on the card are my besties from our church group.  We four ladies meet once a week at our church to "create" projects for the kiddos on Sunday morning.  Can you say my "dream job"!!

BD Cards 3

Look at the coloring of these fabulous women on the card.  You gotta say talented right?  I just love it!

BD Cards 4

I know you gasped when you took a gander at this card, didn't ya?  I know I did, literally took my breath away.  My picture taking is not very good, as I just don't do either of these cards justice, "but", I am working on it just for you!

BD Cards 5 Can you handle the love and details my friend "Lady Beth" took the time to create this beauty?  That is a lot of work, which in turns means a lot of "love" to me….. 🙂

BD Cards 6My beautiful, and very clever friend, used the "Envelope Die" to create the "pot" for the flower base.  Now is that not stinkin' clever?  I tell you, these women simply amaze me.

Hope you enjoyed viewing these two fun and oh so creative cards today as much as I did receiving them.  You know these are what I call "lifers"…..meaning will be with me til my last days on this earth!!


"Blessings, and until the next time, remember to hug the ones you love, "none of us are promised tomorrow! "  


Blessings, and until the next time, remember to hug the ones you love, none of us are promised tomorrow!

About Gloria

A wife, mom, grandmother and lover of all things crafty. I enjoy sharing projects with you frequently and I love to hear feedback from you. I am a Stampin' Up Demonstrator and would love to help you with any crafting products you may need. I have a great team and hope you will consider joining the Stampin' Up Family!

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